Listen a little fast (verb) Used in several popular rap songs such as P.I.M.P. by 50 Cent. It basically means that when a person usually talks fast, you need to listen a little fast by expecting them to talk faster than what they do. Therefore, when they talk you will be able to understand what they say by listening a little faster.
50 cent:They say I talk a little fast but if you listen a little fast, I ain't got to slow down for you to catch up, bitch. (from the song P.I.M.P.)
by Gohan Barracuda January 28, 2023
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The acceleration of typing speed but deceleration of the accuracy in the words , content and context while texting due to thumbs fatigue although thought flows are exponentially high. Also known as FBST syndrome.
I was texting this girl come over to my room but instead I got hit with Fast Brain Slow Thumb syndrome and wrote “Come Over my hoes” so I blew my chances.
by Sassy Sheesh November 24, 2021
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The acceleration of typing speed but deceleration of the accuracy in the words , content and context while texting due to thumbs fatigue although thought flows are exponentially high. Also known as FBST syndrome.
I was texting this girl come over to my room but instead I got hit with Fast Brain Slow Thumb syndrome and wrote “Come Over my hoes” so I blew my chances.
by Sassy Sheesh November 24, 2021
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Any snack or meal that passes through you so fast (think "bad poopy"), that it is almost as if you hadn't even eaten.
Wow, that was some fast acting food ! I didn't even get out of the Chinese restaruant before it left my system.

Dudette, what was up with that chocolate cake at Carissa's last night? It was like, wicked fast acting food! I bet I didn't gain an ounce but I don't think I want any more anytime soon.
by Bad Momma September 15, 2011
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Your doing the most or you think you know everything and over exaggerate everything . Basically just stop doing the most your to fast
Your doing the most or you think you know everything and over exaggerate everything

Friend: Your to fast bro like move around always doing something Exaggerating
Other friend: My fast I’ll maintain next time
by JerJer2x January 3, 2020
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A rotation of rapid clitoral stimulation followed by violent, intense finger blasting.
What's the best way to get a girl off?

Are you kidding me? You've never heard of the good ol' FAST N BLAST!! It's my go to but make sure to wear goggles.
by Squid's House October 7, 2013
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When someone or something is going fast but no one knows their actual speed but it is clearly seen that they are going very fast, then they are going "vroom vroom fast"
by Sluurrp January 13, 2020
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