to throw up, barf, vomit, puke, hurl
I yeshed all over my new shoes after I got off the roller coaster
by Kori and Billy July 25, 2008
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A very common place expresion origionating in the medeteranian. Used to express an profound urge to take a dump.
yesh li kaki (in my mother)
by Avshalom Kor March 17, 2005
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A Bouncing Bean Bag for Yesh that sometimes yells "OUCHHHHHHH!!"
"Excuse me Ma'am, I'm having some trouble finding a Bouncing Bean Bag for Yesh
by "Alright" October 3, 2019
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Another word for the following


ect ect
''Do you fancy going shopping today?''

''Ooo Yeshee!''

by Nichollee November 3, 2007
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The person who i can go to whenever i feel low

A person who understands the best in me

Ego issues but generally all good<33
by _yee.shay June 21, 2022
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Yeshe is the name of a sweet girl. She is actually always friends with a emily's or amelies. She is strong and sometimes want to give up, but she always gomes out as a stronge and brave, funny women. Everybody love yeshe's and all yeshe's love amelies ofcourse. But beside that they are really fun and you could have so much adventure with them.
Hey there is my friend Yeshe
Yeshe is the most populair girl of the school
by XXlover February 24, 2017
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Yeshe is the biggest chad ever known to man.
That man is such a chad. He must be a yeshe
by Yeshedefiner December 7, 2021
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