person 1: its time to drown our sorrows in bud light while fuckin our cousins
person 2: yee yee rick, im down for some cousin fuckin
by givenyousome February 20, 2018
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A boy who is kind of stupid and cringe but thinks not
Girl 1: "why don't you date Kyle"
Girl 2: "I don't date yee yee boi 's"
by Queenofclouds01 August 21, 2019
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The sad version of Yeet Yeet Juice some even call it the little brother. Cousins of McSquitty Boy, and Falg boy.
Yeet Yeet Juice: Hey little bro
Yee Yee Juice: I am a Furrie!
by Jotdownmypants March 13, 2019
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Yee yee girl is someone who lives on a farm or ranch and dresses with plad tops gens and a cowboy hat
by 🐺❤ March 26, 2019
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