Ayy I'll give u a dollar if you let me get a dome
by No u boiiii April 28, 2019
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To post consecutively in one thread, and to make a shitty post.

People who are DOMed usually have cow avatars.

To quote yourself on an internet message board continually, like trying to see the reflection of your reflection of your reflection in the mirror; also the zenith of narcisissm, see also shithead
"That guy DOMed himself by posting back to back in a thread, I will he would get cataracts and die."
by speakykittie March 31, 2005
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Oral Sex; head; face; dat work
"Put yo mouth on the dick, give me Georgia Dome."
by Jade Grey May 17, 2005
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1. After taking rips of tree or tobacco from a bong and you get that fatty headrush right in the back of your dome.

2. Soooooo high right after smoking you can barely move.

3. Feeling the THC taking effect right away after a massive hit.
1. Straight up tobacco rips from a bong get you DOMED!!!!!

2. ...ugh..ugh..That joint of mango kush got me DOMED!!!

3. That fat rip of the bong went straight to my DOME!!!!
by ImDomed August 2, 2009
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" Just got back from picking up some domes."
" Man, did you get some domes for tonight?"
by KingKeeler September 18, 2013
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