The eight-roper of jizzle displayed around the posterior neck meat of a darker-fleshed female after the male aborts his doggy ride and aims for said money shot.
"yeah. Incredible night...I pulled out and painted her with a mane of dick snot...She said she was a white lion..."
by TopBun November 25, 2016
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A famous brony, that is also a 1st grader.
At Furry Con, I met Grace Lion
by Among_Us_potion@3AM November 1, 2021
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A ferocious lion like ginger, who can be wild and unpredictable or cute and cuddly.
On the ice Karalyn can be a mad ginger lion, but in the locker room she is "cute and cuddly".
by forbennettandglos January 3, 2011
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A lion is usually portrayed as a strong animal that symbolizes leadership. Being called Fake Lion means that you're a very fake person. Fake Lions usually likes to show off to others how they are the leaders and the ones with power. They tend to be very fake and would downgrade others to make themselves feel better.

Ever heard of the story of a donkey wearing a lion skin? Google that, and you'll understand.
Alex: I hate staying in that group chat, Joey always likes to act like he's above of others...
Manny: Ikr, he's just a fake lion. But just let him live inside his own bubble.
by ublindbro October 13, 2020
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The best fucking lion ever made. She's like coolest fucking person in the world and she makes everyone else look like baby cats cause she's so fucking rad.
by Jacob the lion. December 2, 2013
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A weird word from the lyrics of Colony of Birchmen off of Mastodon's 2006 album Blood Mountain
Seems however I'm a victim of circumstance

Hunt for ogres and dwarves

Lion slicer
by blacktooth100proof February 25, 2010
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a noob on a video game that generally drives the fastest strongest car on the game, talks shit to just about everyone, then leaves the room when they get butt hurt by a Hydros or SI-7. These people usually play 1st person shooters & rave about how great they are.
"Dude, that fat lion just got butt hurt by that SI-7!"
by TunerFocus March 2, 2010
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