Coronavirus or Covid-19 said in a funny way.
Man 1: I got Da Rona.
Man 2: Why are you speaking to me?
by negrotoned_ January 15, 2021
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chugging Coronas in the presence of your boys
Last weekend me and my boys were slammin ronas till the sun came up!
by Fortheboys69 January 31, 2019
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Paradoxical anger at a negative covid-19 antibody test.
Kim flew into severe Rona Rage when her antibody test came back negative, since she was hoping to have developed immunity but now has to stay hyper-quarantined like the rest of us.
by raspberryjorge May 5, 2020
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A girl who looks better with a mask on.
You see that waitress with the nice ass and a mask on? Totally giving me a Rona-Bona!
by Denver Martini September 11, 2020
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An uncommon hindi slang term used to describe whining of a person. It literally means the whining of a whore.
Check out that guy's randi rona!

He must be an aezaz
by zombieklink November 30, 2019
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the season of coronas, get pissed with the boys while drinking coronas. Better yet getting pissed with the Nelk boys!!
ready for rona season boys?
Fuck yes

lets just send it, its rona season baby
by Yeetingonyourmum June 11, 2019
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Rona szn is the time to go WILD and go absolutely crazy. There are no rules to follow and you can do what ever you want. Remember everyday is rona szn.
Guys is rona szn let’s get fucked up
by Sophia corona November 4, 2019
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