You:lolololol I 5 year old ghjhfyh lmao get rekt lolol
Me:stfu kid
by Kill yourselves June 6, 2018
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A song by Pink Guy.
Recommended when somebody is annoying you.
Random person: says something annoying
Me: plays STFU
by Herr Shrek January 23, 2020
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Shut the fuck up.

Or, if you're in AP U.S. history, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union.
The AAA told the STFU to STFU
by bishthemighty February 21, 2011
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When you honestly say something retarded, making you look like a retard, you're told "stfu :|"

Tbh you're not even funny at all, nobody fucking laughed. it's okay though, as long as you're not a retard, you can use this on people.

You: stfu :|
by LordMaple March 21, 2021
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Shut-the-fuck-up: a term used when a normal request for someone to be quiet seems to fall on deaf ears; may be used in either a normal or assertive tone of voice.
Honey, would you be terribly offended if I asked you to please STFU for five minutes?
by Monkster1 June 24, 2010
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