the combination of drinking a cup of coffee while smoking a bowl.
Not to worry broski, I'm having an adirondack speedball!
by thedogg11 May 16, 2011
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crack and methamphetamine - "Mexican speedballs" is a code phrase which means the same as crack cocaine
mexican speedballs
by xoxvic July 17, 2009
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I had one speedball then my mate john gave me another so i had two speedballs
by bigbox30 May 15, 2004
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When you’re working out fasted, caffeinated and high.
I BG speedballed it this morning, and now I’m about to swallow a gallon of chocolate milk and consume an entire chicken.
by BRFWAB October 17, 2021
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Weed edible/gummies + large cold brew.

The chill, west-coast version of a regular speedball (cocaine & heroin).
"It must have been hella work to apply to grad school while working in a research lab!"
"Bruh I was such a fat stoner hahahah, I perfected the california speedball. Like I'd just get high af and caffeinated at Philz and just focus on that for like 5 hours after work every day."
"Lol so that's how you read all those physics papers?"
"It was so dope haha they started giving me free coffee."
by T R I F I April 1, 2021
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Kratom and Red Bull. Recovering hardcore drug addicts do this since they can't do meth and heroin anymore and this is a sustainable habit. It will never compare to the mind blowing euphoria and rush of the real thing but what are they supposed to do, be sober?
"Work sucks, but thanks to california speedballs, I've been able to work 60 hour weeks no problem! *cries*"

"Fuck I miss shooting up meth and fentanyl"
by JizzBobSploogePants December 21, 2021
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A potent mix of Diet Coke and Monster Energy drinks. Seems to be a local favorite of West MI business leaders.
I've had so many dutch speedballs today, I'm probably going to smash this horse statue.
by Irish Frisky February 26, 2016
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