N: Short for romantic relationship, popularized in fanfiction circles.

V: To endorse a romantic relationship.

N: I see a 'ship developing between Rechelle and John Paul.
by grammatika April 8, 2015
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Putting two fictional or non fictional people together and making it official very often used by females and sometimes includes fanfictions
"Hey did you see them together im shipping it don't you think they belong together i think that angel already shipped it?"
by Aceica February 13, 2015
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When relationship, friendship, courtship or any other word ending in ship just doesn't suffice.
The two of them had been inseparable and helped each other out with so many things they were definitely in a ship.
by Montana Jae October 26, 2015
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A romantic pairing between two fictional or real life people usually in a fandom or fan base.
by teakind aka phan trash #1 February 16, 2016
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Think about how two people would be like if they were in a relationship.
Yesterday I shipped Drew and Danielle together. They are perfect for each other.
by Princess MysticalFuzion January 8, 2017
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A boat. The noun. That's literally what it means. That's it.
Person A: I ship (x) and (y)?
Person B: how the fuck is "ship" a verb? It means boat. You must feel very stupid. Your feelings must be shattered by my factual comment. But the truth is, facts don't care about your feelings.
by i have no fucking clue November 29, 2021
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