When having sexual intercourse on a beach, you pull out, breadcrumb your penis in sand, and put it back in
by The Markness January 9, 2004
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another word for butt mud, or diarriha, either way, it is sick as hell
dude, i ate at that mexican place a week ago, jesus i still have the screaming shits
by sam r i April 12, 2005
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When a woman, slowly makes her way to her knees to give you oral pleasure, opens her eyes and mouth as wide as possible and screams like a god damn banshee. The only way to silence this beast is penis tonsils.
Tis dangerous to receive a screaming BJ from that foul creature, she may pop your sack whilst doing so.
by fartcheese Mcspoonass March 9, 2010
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When one person screams at another person's penis
While I was getting ice cream the other day, I noticed an employee being berated by their boss because they wouldn't perform the scream job that was being asked of them.
by SkaBrah May 22, 2015
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When you separate the lips of a vagina and scream into it to release your pent-up childhood aggressions.
I stopped paying for therapy and gave my girlfriend a screaming camel.
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An oxymoron grammatically, a whisper scream is rather appropriately named. Whisper screams are imitations of especially long, drawn out, exaggerated, overly theatrical screams through short sequences of whispers. This is often an expression of torment, rage, extreme delight (or other emotions) in a simple-to-do manner that is easy on the ears of the audience and easy on the vocal chords of the whisper screamer. Sometimes done with the purpose of creating comedy for the listener.
Dude 1: Please stop whisper screaming in response to my misfortunes. I've got physical training tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.

Dude 2: Okay, sure, I understand... NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! (whispering)

Dude 1: Please stop. Please... (crying softly)
by WhisperScreaming April 25, 2010
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when somebody is struggling to keep from being forcibly moved, removed, or pulled against their will or otherwise do something that they do not want to do.
Amanda Knox says she will only go back to Italy "kicking and screaming" after an Italian court ruled she should not have been cleared.
by Miss That Buff Dude? February 25, 2014
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