its when you drop a "duece", clean up, and then have to go again immediately.
I thought I had to drop a duece, but it was actually a quad.
by sleazyt March 17, 2005
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I put 4 15's in my S10 and now that shit quads yo!!!
by Love Doctor September 16, 2004
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a shit that has been provided at a higher magnitude than a number two.
"Dude it smells like ass in there, what the fuck did you do?"
"I dropped a QUAD...bitch"
by SHITFACESTICKBREAK January 11, 2009
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(1)Ahhh the Quad, a converted lounge, able to sleep 12+, representing the who's who on the University of Michigan campus, consisting of the 120 three musketeers and Dr. Beau Brodtmann and some South Quad snowball fight losers.
(2)Home of the survivor and lots of dead soldiers
(3)Known for it's rank smell and contaminated floor (including but not limited to vomit, alcohol, urine, excrement, semen, and vaginal fluid)
The Quad Rocks
I'm going Quadding today
Fucking Quad
I am so Quad right now
by The Giver March 11, 2005
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Can you fix my quad? I broke a hole in the far-right drum.
by dvdwinter9 December 2, 2006
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The best group of our girls in the entire world. They are beautiful,amazing,and the closes bunch ever. They are the best at pillow fights, makin cookies and throwing the best old time sleepover.The are truly the top dogs of everything
Man: The quad is soo hot
Man's girlfriend: Omg what
Man: You heard me the quad is like way awesomer than you .
by Emily,kali,dora,andrea December 15, 2005
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