A word to describe KIezy
by Sleek-__- December 1, 2020
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Andrew the Deep Throat God... No other possible meanings...
by Andrew The God November 8, 2020
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When something really cool happens and you have no other way to express yourself
Lifeguard to patrons: Attention all patrons of the swimming pool, we just heard thunder. The pool will now be closed for 30 minutes.

Lifeguard to other lifeguards: POGGERS LET’S GO!!!

Patrons to their families: Alright guys, we have to stay out of the water for a little bit.

Children to their mommies and daddies: This is not poggers.
by zarathustra420 July 17, 2020
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Sometimes referred as "pog" you say it if something exiting or surprising happens.
by Zeclafuefue July 23, 2019
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A singular pogger.
1: my mother just had a heart attack and is in cardiac arrest
2: omg dude that is pogger
1: lol wtf
by themonobox April 20, 2021
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Beaten or to over-do something; to be tired.
Mate, i'm poggered after work, can't we just cotch at yours tonight?

Bob and Tim got in a fight, Bob poggered Tim with a right hook

He poggered that football!
by Noizeboy August 5, 2009
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