A poet, soon to be a "rapper" (still a poet) that will take off in late 2020
Did you hear this song, it's by this new dude called poetic
by Mikky Miller December 30, 2019
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A person who pulls all the females is 6’3 and is a better editor then scorex
omg that is a poetic! he’s so cute!
by yondr life August 19, 2022
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make poetic in character.

-write or speak poetically.

Also a lame ass dude named andy that plays ps4
Are you being poeticize rn fam deadass?
by Poeticize March 11, 2017
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when something is poetic. better alternative to poetic.
Damn stanky Jews, got some cheap ass shoes. -Ben
by jewta November 24, 2009
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'Poetic Abstraction' is a term that coined for a style of contemporary abstraction painting which conceptually break from tradition and the past, to then recognize the present, and thus gain the power to move on to the future. The concept of 'poetic abstraction' combines Sijo ( a distinctive Korean poem format), the Korean traditional color schemes of Oh Bang Saeg and Oh Gan Saeg, and the concept of Han (the Korean interpretation of a historically particular, innate bittersweet sorrow emotion). The viewer can release their negative emotions and sublimate to happiness and jubilance through abstract paintings.
This painting's concept is poetic abstraction.

With this poetic abstracted painting, I could release my negative emotions and found my inner peace.

I could make my own poem with this painting.
by artmaryworld April 1, 2020
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