asking someone to play your game
"hey guys play my game, the link is"
by Noah_12317 January 9, 2022
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"Let's play a rhyme game" is a term used by members of the LGBTQ+ community to invite a male gender individual to participate in a sexual act (an act that involves the consumption of fecal matter and urin).

This term is widely used on the app Discord.
"Hey John, im bored Let's play a rhythem game."
by Phylosopher joshua January 24, 2022
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Is a welsh gamer and youtuber from wales uk
alex camino plays games Is a welsh gamer and youtuber from wales uk Who makes gaming videos and second life vlogs
by alexcaminoyt May 18, 2021
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Used when one wants to initiate in a board game with another. More commonly used with family/friends.
Victim: Parcheesi or Scrabble?
by ??? Chungus October 11, 2023
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-A app by the legendary company Google, that give you instant games like Pac-man (A-Game-Where-You-Avoid-Ghosts-But-Get-Orbs), Snakes (A-Game-Where-You-Avoid-Yourself-And-The-Walls-But-Get-Food-For-Some-Reason), A-Game-That-You-Defuse-Mines (Minesweeper), and many more!
-The only fucking app that shows you your level, the fucking achievements, and the shitty yet inaccurate leaderboard.
Guy1: hey ima play some games, wanna see my level in google play games?
Guy2: sure.
*Everyone sees that Guy1's level is 3*
*Guy2 slaps Guy1* U A NUB???
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An aplication that might be installed in a device or is already there by Google company. This app offers recommended games to try (50% are boring as hell) and games with their own achievements.

The shitty part about it is that is full of uninterested, tasteless usernames that cheat through the Learderboard while like some fucking cowards: they play things like Hay Day , Candy Crush, or any video game +100 achievements and have a ninja profile.

{Or probably XP cheating}
-Dude I got 2.758.573.052,54 score on Google Play Games Learderboard while having the name "BonelessGamer39".
- KYS.
by December 29, 2022
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