That guy who steals your wife and drives of with her making noise throughout Mexico, Tijuana
That dickhead on a motorcycle stole your bitch
by El Savaje June 29, 2017
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One of the f i n e s t men you’ll EVER come across.
by 2008musicwasbetter March 2, 2020
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when a girl is on the back of a motorcycle and there ass will be all big and out there
dam look at that girl she got a motorcycle booty
by colin aka lil diddy May 2, 2008
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when doing a girl doggy style you make your hand like grabbing a motorcycle and place your thumb in her ass and rev the throttle
i was doing this girl and she talked shit so i reved the motorcycle
by max powers big balla September 17, 2008
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Where two people are riding on a motocycle and the person either male of female has there pants and underwear off or a hole in them and the guy riding on the back hes his pants and underwear off or a hole in front where his pecker sticks out and fucks the persom driving the motorcycle in the ass.
by Deep blue 2012 August 7, 2010
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A motorcycle with the capability to fly with a built in jet engine, not necessarily meaning it has to be safe
The flying motorcycle is a result of many injurys
by 006542 June 8, 2015
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A great drink for any scooter trash or biker invented in Manassas Virginia at the Colorado Cafe. Mr Glen Izett took a Long Island Ice tea and added blue curacao to make the best biker drink ever made.
Hell I just drank 3 Blue Motorcycle drinks and I am drunk as a monkey, well that what scooter trash drinks.
by drinker714 July 17, 2011
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