I misspelled piece when writing this, I pulled a you
by shreggs October 17, 2018
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You....Just You....The perfect You....and Imperfect You....The You whose past may have broken You....Or Molded You....Into a Better You
You're searching up words on the Web....But also have a Websters dictionary setting inside your dresser.. You don't know any better because you've never been shown the quality of a book in the past...but I can fix that...I can fix....You
by ICanFixYou101 January 19, 2020
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A person, other than yourself, who likes what you like and wants what you want. Not-yous frequently attend the same open houses as you, jockey for the same job or promotion as you, crush on the same person as you, and even dress like you.
Woman: "Oh my God, I love this house. Do you think I'll get it?"
Man: "Maybe. A 3-bed, 2-bath with a walk-in closet and a bidet in a good school district is going to be pretty popular. Let's hope you found it before not-you could.
by a not-you March 13, 2017
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Aye, you're pretty fuckin cool. Reject it or not, It's true.
Me : Aye, you're pretty fuckin cool. Reject it or not, It's true.
by It Should Be Wednesday My Dude February 6, 2019
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