Something very special, important, or happiness-inducing.
"omigod baby, my new foamer is so fluffy!" "How are you? I'm pretty fluffy"
by jjlefty July 16, 2008
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Furry boots typically worn by ravers and club goers.
Did you see the fluffies that chick was wearing?
by raverchick December 24, 2010
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One of those short and sweet words that, although sound endearing (or confusing), is actually insulting.
Bob - Go choke on a needle while eating out a porcupine!
Jack - Fluffy...
Bob - What the FUCK was that?! You're making no sense.
Jack - Funny Looking Ugly Fucker Fuck You.
Bob - ...Go shag a cactus.
by Maximus Erectus December 26, 2013
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Adaptation for the acronym for Furry Little Friend. FLuFfy
<singer> You're my furry little friend, I call you Fluffy!
If you mat up all your fur, I'd call you Scruffy.
by Mark Shackelford July 2, 2007
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A fetish where a person likes to have sex in cartoony animal costumes.
From Entourage Season Four:

As Drama and Turtle picked up a pink bunny costume after meeting a chick on Craigslist to win a bet for Turtle to have uncommitted sex before the end of the day.

Drama: Damn dude she's a fluffy.
Turtle: You mean she wants me to wear this thing ...
Drama: Fluffies need love too ...
by JV312 July 18, 2010
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1. n. A poser who acts new age and hippyish, but isn't at all serious about it.

2. n. Nickname for stand-up comedian Gabriel Inglasias.
He said he's meditating to purify his aura, but I think that fluffy is really just taking a nap.
by d8je8fduejd8w9q0dlvu84j January 19, 2011
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