Physical and mental exhaustion resulting from a flood of messages on the okcupid dating website.
Mildred receives dozens of messages each day. More men ask her out than there are days in a week. The overflow of attention soon leads to mental and physical exhaustion. Mildred has okcupid burnout.
by Hail Lord Xenu June 24, 2010
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The burnout Mac is a type of Mac and cheese that just makes you wanna crap all over the place.
Oh no Kevin ate the burnout Mac hopefully he won’t poop all over my rug!
by Six star November 6, 2020
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An act of sexual pleasure where diarrhoea is injected into the man's urethra and urinated out onto the partner's face.
Guy 1: Fuck man, I could really go for a Bogan Burnout now.
Guy 2: You're disgusting, you know that.
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The act of proactively taking steps to avoid burnout before it happens through self-care, boundary setting, stress management, and creating a sustainable workload and lifestyle.
As the founder of a growing startup, Julia was constantly working late nights and weekends to keep up with demand. To prioritize burnout prevention, she started blocking off weekends, hiring virtual assistants, and scheduling daily exercised to sustain her mental health and prevent exhaustion.
by TheRelaxedDoc August 11, 2023
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The variable number of freaks, deadbeats, beardos, and weirdos at a given event.
There was a high Burnout Turnout at the theatre. It was really chill.
by Frogmandu October 4, 2010
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Stock rims on the driving wheels of a car (naturally without hubcaps) when the other wheels are bling alloys. Used to ensure that bursting tyres during a burnout does not result in destroying those megabuck bling alloys.

Or at least to create the impression that this is what you are planning to do, even if you've never spun the wheels in your life.

Usually seen in Australia on VN-VS series Commodores.
He's got the burnout rims on...poser!
by SteveD January 19, 2007
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A man aligned with the Chevrolet Motor Company who perfers turbo-diesels and Poopenhagen chew. Extremely prone to violence. Rumored to be involved with various homosexual indulgences.
"Smokey Burnout is going to beat the living piss out of you for that one."

"Smokey Burnout is known to indulge in the pleasures of homosexualuality."
by unknown May 12, 2003
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