A kid who likes to have midgets skeet all over his face. He is Uber GAY!
Hey brandon, at least you arnt Scot Simonson.
by The Matt March 29, 2005
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A rather comical charector who plays games all day long when he isn't playing games scott will endulge in some cannibis whiulst saying that he doesn't do it. beware scott is very heavy wanker and has exceptional aim
your are just like scot richason playing with yourself aiming at the dart borad
by stefhaan harrington June 21, 2004
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When someone is being proud of he shouldn't be proud of - like being a scot.
person 1 - what was she scotting about?
person 2 - she was scotting about her father's new car,
have u seen it? it's not even new!
by 0_0_0_0 March 25, 2007
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Somebody that pretends to be, or loves all things Scottish, yet voted against independence and prefers to see Scotland paying a foreign government in England for the privilege of being treated as a colony. A Scot that cheers on the national football side or rugby team yet thinks being ruled by England is better.
He's singing Flower of Scotland again yet votes tory? Another plastic Scot.
by Braveheart November 2, 2020
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sitting around watching anime and playing Final fantasy. NOT BATHING. ANd eating way to much junk food
by Vchaos November 26, 2003
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