You sitting there looking SOS now that you lost all your money gambling.
by Mz. Foxie February 18, 2019
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A staple of condescending internet comments. Usually found slapped at the end of a half-assed argument, to indicate that the author has said everything that needs to be said, and all that's left for you to do now is to slink away in shame and defeat.
"The Fifty Shades books have no literary value, they perpetuate all the stereotypes feminisim has been fighting against, and their depiction of BDSM is factually wrong and even dangerous."
"yeah well they outsold game of thrones so"
by causticAnatomy June 16, 2018
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Same Old and Single
A quick way to say that you are still living the same life without a romantic partner.
A: How have you been?
by tech-whiz214 March 25, 2016
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it is the action of sneeking out of the house in the middle of the night.

the S stands for Sneek. the O stands for Out
graham is SOing almost everynight
by stick boy October 30, 2007
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Sos (pronounced soss, not as each separate letter as one might do when referring to the emergency message Save Our Souls, commonly abbreviated to S.O.S) is a term with a wide variety of meanings, uses and interpretations. It is derived from a device used in many YTPs (Youtube Poops) where the audio and video of a clip is edited to make it seem like the speaking character says “soss” for comedic effect. In this adapted version, sos can mean many things. It can be used to describe almost anything the speaker wishes, but is more commonly used to express appreciation for something. It can also be said whilst the speaker sucks air back into their lungs whilst speaking to make the way the person says the word funnier. This is how the term became known in its current form. A version of sos, the noun sosser can also be used when referring to something cute, usually a dog
Person 1: Sos
Person 2: What the fuck does sos even mean?
by Barus July 3, 2019
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eager to attend or visit (some place or event).

also expresses agreement with another person that a place or event should be gone to.
-We're having a big ass tailgate party at the game. You're invited.
-I'm so there.

-We should check out Finnegan's party. I heard they always end up playing strip pool there.
-We're so there!
by g_transcribe October 1, 2009
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Short for "Stay on Subject"
Used primarily in online classrooms; when the chatbox explodes with non-important topics such as the teacher's hair or a student's favorite aunt.
In physics class:

Dave: "Dude, my aunt is such a crazy cat person"
Mary: "Really? My uncle has a manic obsession with growing purple flowers"
Isaac: SOS guys
Teacher: Dave, Mary, and Isaac. What have I told you about talking about things not related to the subject material?
by arc.t415 October 2, 2014
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