1) The result of a bird entering into a jet turbine

2) Bloody Excrement

3) a term commonly used to deny the existence of extra-terrestrials

4) some nasty shit
a) "yo bitch, yo need ta clean dat bird pulp out yo weave"

b) * pilot speaking to co-pilot* " Take over for a second rookie, I gotta hit the can, that Simpler Times last night gave me the bird pulp "

c) " The Phoenix Lights are oft' refuted to be nothing more than bird pulp"

d) "that bitch be looking like bird pulp nigga"
by Dr. Jerry Gale MD/CRS/DBA/ACS February 11, 2010
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My girlfriend was being difficult, as most women are with deciding what to eat, so I decided to give her 1 USDA organic serving of my pickle pulp onto her RBF when she was looking at menu's on her phone.
by Chief_Pooh_Nanny May 27, 2021
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When you have any sort of liquid poop, and there are some solid bits floating around that resemble the pulp in orange juice
After a night of mexican food, I could only manage to excrete butt pulp
by Joe BR January 16, 2006
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Best movie ever made.

Takes second third and fifth best movies ever, fourth is the god father. If you think this movie cusses to much or has to much blood you are either a pussy or mentally retarded, and I mean really retarded. I have watched it so many times I memorized Ezekiel 25-17.
Husband: I went out with the boys to see pulp fiction. That Samuel L. Jackson is one bad mother fucker.

Wife: Oh... I didn't really like it. It was to obscene and gory.

Husband: (sigh...) Honey I think we need a divorce.
by Im Cuban B June 2, 2009
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The loose vaginal particles floating about in a bottle of menstrual fluid that is about to be consumed.
Unlike my taste in orange juice, I like my menstruation with a healthy dose of vag pulp.
by cunt drinker April 7, 2009
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Correctly defined, pulp fiction was a body of short fiction published on "pulp" (low grade) paper predominately by unknown writers. Plots were simplistic, characterizations two-dimensional, settings (even "realistic" ones) fantasized, but most of all, writing style was about 4th grade reading level, exaggerated, and totally avoided anything that might be considered actual theme, i.e., delving beneath the obvious or thoughtfulness). Original pulp fiction did cling to a "righting wrongs" framework, with Good prevailing over Evil; always the "happy ending." The term is still applicable today to describe that KIND of writing: with the added modern elements of extremely gory detail and pornography for the masses. The "Romance" genre is typical, with te word "Romance" defined by publishers NOT as a love story, but instead, detailed human copulation scenes, inferred as a "love" story (rather than simply the lust it actually presents).
In the early 1900s, "Phantom of the Opera" was an example of pulp fiction... the "10-penny dreadful." Louis L'Armour's westerns were another sample, soon augmented by early detective and superhero stories which developed into the comic book in the '30s and 40s. Horror stories proliferated. In early pulp, the love interest was minimized, and it was only in the late 20th century that explicit sexual scenes were included. Today, with few exceptions, the romance novels, whether historical or contemporary, the detective novels, and the feminist protagonists creating a characterization of Little Men (not in the Louisa May Alcott mode) are all examples of modern pulp. The term, "pulp fiction," has always literally defined inferior writing competence. That hasn't changed although it undeniably is also a venue for new writers struggling to get published, a few of whom do develop into well above average craftspersons.
by EaglesHeart January 4, 2009
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Cheaply produced Internet content created solely for financial gain. Heavy with SEO terms, the writing is usually salacious, purposely withholding crucial information so as to generate controversy, and causing the subject matter to appear unresolved. Typically, Internet Pulp appears on webpages with an excessive amount of advertising.
I guess there is money to be had as a content creator, if you know how to write Internet Pulp.
by The Homeless Guy September 22, 2014
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