she is positively beautiful even though she doesn't realize it. her blue eyes are beautifully shaped and have gold near the center. her brown hair has streaks of gold in the summer. even though molly always has a smile on her face and is laughing, she is brokenhearted on the inside. i broke up with a molly once and even though i'm young it was the biggest mistake i've made. i still love her but she doesn't realize it. she generally plays soccer and has a lot of friends. she isn't girly, but she still loves fashion.
if you meet a girl named molly who fits this description, tell her that she is BEAUTIFUL.
person 1: i feel awful..
person 2: why?
person 1: i can't get over molly, she's so incredibly beautiful.
by a boy who misses HER. August 18, 2011
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Molly’s are sweet souls but aren’t afraid to go behind you’re back. There are very good at hiding their feelings and keeping things bottled up. Molly’s tend to be sweet however they are very confident and tend to be quite cocky at times. Molly’s Like to show off or boast sometimes. Molly’s tend to be quite talkative and fun to hang around but aren’t exactly the funniest of people, they are also extremely sensitive to certain subjects. Molly’s are very good at keeping secrets, they don’t tend to be two-faced although they do like to gossip. Molly’s get jealous easily but hide it very well. They are also likely to go back to an ex or friend that has been toxic in the past. Despite some flaws most Molly’s are overall nice people!

My best friend is called MOLLY and she is brunette and brown-eyed.
by GenuineOpinions176 February 19, 2021
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Molly is one of my best friends. She is so amazing and like the best person you will ever meet. She is so pretty and she gives the best advice. You might not know it but if you find a Molly in you life you are so lucky. And she is also really smart. If you find a Molly you know right away BE HER FRIEND!!
Boy 1:bro look at Molly she is so hot today.

Boy2:what do you mean she is hot everyday

Boy1:true sorry
by Kawwyyyyyy January 24, 2020
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Molly is a person you meet and she’s really shy, but when you get to know her she is crazy! If you ever hurt Molly beware she can be very violent, if your on her good side she will care and protect you. She hates seeing people sad and upset she will never judge. She loves to joke and laugh and be with people who understand her, she is very creative and loyal. If you have a friend called Molly your a lucky person dude Xx
*Someone Is sad*
Molly: what’s wrong!?
Person: I got detention

Molly: it will be all ok, *Hugs them*
Person: thanks Molly your the best!
by MJ.xo December 6, 2017
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Beauty is molly. From her short brown hair to her infectious smile she is amazing. She plays soccer and cares deeply about her friends and family. she makes me want to be a better person and when she is with other guys i get jealous. She is great and makes everyone around her smile
by daddydoolie August 10, 2017
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has a laugh and a smile that will light up a room she is strong ,a fighter,and is a very beautiful young lady inside and out. she has gone through a lot and you would never have guessed by the way she smiles. she is sassy and loves sloths she is outgoing and can be talkative when you get to know her. she is a Molly one of a kind.
by bluedog2 December 27, 2018
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Molly is a great person. She can be intimidating when you first meet her but once you get to know her she is amazing! Molly will always be there for you when you need her. She is really funny and outgoing. She is a great listener and has some great stories. If you meet a Molly don't be intimidated because she is awesome!
someone: "Molly is so rude"
me: "No she's beautiful"
by phineas.and.ferb May 22, 2019
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