Right of a given reference on a ski slope; from the point of view of a person having hot chocolate in the lodge.
Bill: After lunch let’s take the run that’s hot chocolate right of chair 7.
Ted: Excellent!
by Drew Stevens January 26, 2006
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The name given to a West Virginia dark girl that is extremely hot. She must have ALL the "assets" that a hot girl should have. Front, back, top, down, left, right. The works!!!!!!
by Loco Chupacabras May 8, 2008
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Step 1 : Piss in the snow to make hole
Step 2 : Drop a deuce in that hole

Step 3 : Pour some Frank's Red Hot on it
Step 4 : Whip your dick out
Step 5 : Go to pleasure city
Hey man, I was really lonely last night so I did the red hot chocolate Eskimo and I gotta say...it was the best orgasm of my life.
by DuffManJones February 19, 2019
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anything that's hot and chocolate girl you know you can't go wrong
black girls with hot chocolate talk about boys who are hot and chocolate
by Mark Paternostro August 2, 2006
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This involves taking a camping trip with your girlfriend in Florida during the middle of the summer. On day 4, you collect the fromunda Cheese under their breasts and then jam it in their ass. Then you whip it into a heavy froth with aggressive anal sex. Once stiff peaks are achieved, the woman screams “order up!” And proceeds to spray the mixture all over the guys chest and face.
I took my girl to a Cheesecake Factory, now she’ll surely give me “The Loxahatchee no bake hot chocolate cheesecake”.
by Chillidogman August 27, 2021
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The act of placing the anus near a partner's face or body, and then proceeding to defecate diarrhea over said participant for sexual stimulation. This may be enhanced by varying the diet of the chocolate shower giver to ensure a good spread of faeces rather than a concentrated lump
Mac - "Gee, I'd wanna try something different tonight, do you fancy giving me an Eaton Bray Hot Chocolate Shower"
Dutch - "Would love to, had chilli last night and I need to bust my gut somewhere - may as well be into your face"
by Dutch MacBilly III September 16, 2009
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