a person who is obsessed with shitty objects and doesn't stop talking about them
person 1: Ryan insists he show me his stamp collection
person 2: What a fucking Shit Gibbon
by deleteduser February 5, 2020
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my maths teahcer last year *sighs* i love him and always will. He enjoyed putting on nail varnish and stroking someones hair and being a general perv! Oh how he wont be missed! *sighs again*
* Mr Gibbons in a high pitched voice* BEEEEP! (cant put her name in!) how was yor holiday? can i stroke your hair now?
by HannahDudey! November 14, 2006
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One female that enjoys partying, is or acts like a ho, acts like a ditz or airhead, and is addicted to something such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
1: Did you see that Gibbons Chick last night at the party?
2: Yea, shes such a slut / ho bag
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When one is completely janked and knackered with the world, their surroundings and its accompanying bullshit, but despite is still able to free their conscience of life's obstructions and grow as a person, finally see the world clearly and live life stress and carefree with fucktitude. This person is living the Peter Gibbons Dream and is said to have gone through the Peter Gibbons Transformation.
* Peter Gibbons is the character referred to from the movie Office Space.
S: "I have been embroiled in a constant battle with myself and for the first time in along time, i've been able to let it all go...just feels like i went through a really good self-renewal session."
J: "That's the fucktitude! You went through the Peter Gibbons Transformation and now youre living the Peter Gibbons Dream yo!"
by JE_Klektik June 22, 2006
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When one is completely janked and knackered with the world, their surroundings and its accompanying bullshit, but despite is still able to free their conscience of life's obstructions, finally see the world clearly and live life stressfree with fucktitude. This person is living the Peter Gibbons Dream and is said to have gone through the Peter Gibbons Transformation.
* Peter Gibbons is a character referred to from the movie Office Space.
J: "I used to stress over anything and everything, but I figure, you only live once so lets go with the fucktitude. Now i'm just a happy carefree dude."
S: "Wow you went through the Peter Gibbons Transformation."

S: "I'm constantly embroiled in a battle with myself and for the first time in along time, i've been able to let it all go w/relative ease...just feels like i went through a really good self-renewification.
J: "That's the fucktitude! You went through the Peter Gibbons Transformation and now youre living the Peter Gibbons Dream yo!"
by JE_Klektik June 22, 2006
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Waking up one morning and deciding that going to work isn't going to happen and not caring about the consequences

Named after Ron Livingston's character, Peter Gibbons, in Office Space
by Krystal T January 1, 2006
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The ugliest name a man can have, ever.
Person 1: Do you know the ugliest name ever?
Person 2: no
Person 1: Bruce Robert Gibbons

by Charmouche March 13, 2017
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