(Former) leader of the Habr Gedir clan in Somalia, he was fatally wounded and died in 1995. Explaination - "Clan war"
Muhamed Farah Aidid was a warlord. ((Clan leader))
by Nemesis6 March 29, 2003
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All farahs are appreciated
A day all farahs are appreciated on National Farah Day
by Awaken February 20, 2021
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the letteral meaning of this sentence is " Joy of the Mayor " , but in this case the Letteral meaning is not considered , it is used to when it is too late to do something like when someone say “That ship has already sailed” .
it was first used by professor Khamis in 2019 when he was explaining the concept of Interrupting in the operating system
Ali : i will try to catch up the bus .
Ahmed : at this hour !!! , i think that you will find over there Farah AL Omda
by Mahmoud Elgendy March 21, 2021
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To set up a kidnapping scheme to scare family and friends only to be chillin at a friends house sipping kool aid.
Akbar: Yo Dandaa, did you hear about Sharleene being kidnapped?

Dandaa: You idiot, she Farah (far-ah han) that whole shiz up. She was chillin with some friends drinking some kool aid.

Tyrone: mmmmm kool aid.
by Ramin M. July 16, 2008
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Farah louie billista
“Farah louie billista”
by culogrande November 22, 2021
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One that gives you happiness and joy from her sweetness and kindness. The best girlfriend candidate with the most beautiful smile. Understanding and mature. Men that skips this girl would lost a century of his happiness.
Farah Haziqah, the girl with the sweetest smile
by Narmi Finan November 22, 2021
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Farahing happens when a person replies late to individual messages over the course of a long time
Person #1: *replies to 30 messages after 3 hours*
Person #2: She’s farahing
by Kholioism February 28, 2023
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