When you are fucking a girl doggystyle and you piss in her ass, and then she lets out a sputtery piss fart.
McGee gave Sab a mean Louisiana Exhaust Pipe last weekend in New York!
by Monkey Fuckers April 24, 2019
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Some dumb ass fucking idea to redirect engines exhaust into the throttle body eliminating the need for turbos.
Direct Exhaust Injection + Flux Capacitor = Time Travel.
by slyr2002 November 15, 2007
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Exhausted Kitten Complex occurs when a person is woken up from a deep sleep but their mind isn't fully awake. Symptoms include, but are not limited to; feeling weak as a three day old kitten, being too tired to put the fear of God into the person who woke them up, and mumbling incoherently. Warning: People who experience Exhausted Kitten Complex may be unable to open their eyes to their full capacity giving them that slant-eyedcat look, which may cause them to bump into walls and/or furniture. If a person appears to be doing a bad Asian impersonation please proceed with caution.
"My mom woke me up at five o'clock this morning for no apparent reason."
"Dang! I bet you got mad! Did you put the fear of God into her for waking you up?"
"No. I wanted to but my Exhausted Kitten Complex kicked in and all I could do was mumble incoherently. After watching me run into the furniture several times she apologized for waking me up and told me that perhaps I needed to go back to sleep."
by DrunkMonkey January 10, 2014
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an exhaust system ( IF u choose to call it as such!) whose sound resembles that of lawn mower or weed whacker ALMOST if not COMPLETELY to the tee. (Usually large in size, but heinous in appearance)
-when identifying with a coffee can exhaust, during acceleration (usually a long process for such cars), u may add the words: pleeease *shift* fiiiiix *shift* meeeeeeeeee*!!
by Lali September 21, 2003
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Natalia Stanik
Natalia Stanik is emotionally exhausted
by Kg2611 October 29, 2020
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The phenomenon of eating enough of a food that you normally enjoy that you become physically repulsed by it. Can be short-term (starting to eat a second hot dog, but being unable to finish it) or long-term (not eating hot dogs for several months after having them regularly before that).

Though it refers specifically to hot dogs, Hot dog exhaustion can also result from overindulging in other foods, such as milk, eggs, or fish.
I used to get an EggMcMuffin for breakfast practically every day for three months, but then I got hot dog exhaustion and couldn't even look at one after that.
by Loogaroo July 12, 2010
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The act of blowing a hit or weed into someone's ass and having someone else human centipede those mud flappers and sucking that toke with a hearty fart.
Garrett: hey bro heard Kelsey was pretty freaky . What y'all do?

Hussein: yeah bro she let me exhaust pipe her.

Garrett: did you get a turd too?

Hussein: totally.

Garrett: niceeeeeee
by CHTS April 9, 2016
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