The most amazing best friend anyone could ever ask for. She is always there for you even if you almost never get to see her. Shes tall and beautiful but sometimes doesnt see it for herself. She is AMAZING!
Ellie is my best friend!
by Maggie rh April 14, 2011
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Ellie is the most amazing person every. Everyone who knows her loves her and appreciates her company. She's the kindest person you will meet and people are jealous of her and people who are lucky enough to be her friends. She a naturally stunning and intelligent human being of whom everyone likes.
"Wow she's so amazing."
"Yeah, it's probably Ellie."
by Disbandment has s August 2, 2016
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The Ellie I know is beautiful pretty and wonderful I couldn't think of anyone better she always thinks I'm gonna break up with her but I don't want to she also funny and really caring
by The person who likes u January 3, 2019
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The most amazing person ever. She is so sexy, smart, and amazing at everything. She's also a great friend and caring. You will wish you were her because you'll envy her awesomeness. Also, she tends to be tall, blonde, and thin.
Ellie is so amazing
by Quinxxx December 30, 2011
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A super bubbly, nice girl. She is smart, pretty, and loves old-school music. She is someone people like being around. An Ellie is an amazing friend
Happy Birthday Ellie, we love you!!!
by Whoopeedoooo May 1, 2010
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Ellie's are great in bed because they are such sexual beings. they just crave the sexual attention. they can never get enough. guy's you know you wanna get involved with an Ellie because not only are they great in bed there seductive, a tease, loyal, passionate and down right dirty these girls will make your wildest dreams come true......
man that Ellie chick was great we hooked up all night.
by -=AussiePride=- February 5, 2010
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Ellie is one of the kindest and most nicest people you will ever meet! She will have brown hair and brown eyes and you won't stop looking at them.One fallen in love with her she will forever be in your head.

Don't push away an Ellie.She will be the best thing that's ever happened to you.
Have you seen Ellie
Yea she's amazing!
by Keep.Calm.And.Be.Cool August 28, 2019
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