when your donger INSANTLY raises from watching one of your KINKS.

guy1: holy FK dude that video was so fking hot
guy2: wait what video bro play it on discord
guy1: alright
guy2: HOLY CRAP im getting an INSTANT donger raise
guy1: i know right, i had TWO already; after this it'll be my third
guy1: holy FK dude that video was so fking hot
guy2: wait what video bro play it on discord
guy1: alright
guy2: HOLY CRAP im getting an INSTANT donger raise
guy1: i know right, i had TWO already; after this it'll be my third
by DEEZ NUTZ 6969 May 7, 2018
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a gay male who likes to be double penetrated.
Tony is a real dip donger. He just loves it when all of his friends cum over two spend quality time with him
by thedohboy August 21, 2008
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an ancient tribal dance to make a man full of spunk
that guy is trying for a kid stupid fuck he should have done the donger dance
by brusstank April 25, 2006
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the process of getting a large spoon of mayonaise and putting it in your mouth and chewing on it constantly making a irratating chunky mushy noise.
me and jimmy tucan grumping dongered last night it was epic shit.
by dsc big boi May 19, 2011
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One who places his dong in chickens.
I thought that dudes ok?
Dude that guy is a total Chicken Donger.
by TACOBAR April 17, 2009
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A select clan of Scottish cretins who are rumoured to be as well endowed as an overgrown weavel. Said clan sit around in the suburbs of Glasgow drinking moonshine and playing a homosexual game called ball-tig.

Also defined as Scottish males who have overinflated opinions of their midgets thumb.
Q: "Barry, fancy a game of ball-tig with me and the rest of the Heath Park Donger's?"

A: "Alreet there lad, aye, show us yer swingers"
by windmill June 16, 2009
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