The Donald = Unadulterated Horseshit.
The Donald is an Internet forum hosted on Reddit created in support of Donald Trump.

Can we get our vote back ?
That’s Horseshit ! Horseshit ! You show no respect for me or my golf course. The Donald
by GetOffaMyLawn May 27, 2017
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The act of approaching random women to grab them by the pussy. (Typically only if you have enough money to bribe them into silence if things go south)
"Hey, did you see Thomas just hit that girl with the Donald?"
"Yeah, you can do that when you have enough money I hear."
by Jaresaurousrex December 19, 2016
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The act of grabbing the genitals of someone you just met as a way to show sexual interest. Taken from Donald Trumps taped quote "Grab them by the pussy"
I was pretty drunk at the club and I ended up Donalding this girl. That's why I got kicked out.
by Dreggie October 8, 2016
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Slang term or nickname for McDonalds Restaurants and/or the food from that restaurant.
"Man we gotta get some Donalds for lunch."
"You goin' to Donalds later?"
by Michaaa August 20, 2007
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a crazy hairstyle , a person that crys all the time, a guy that is wierd , that pokes you everywhere and a guy that that weres small small small shorts up to the butt
girl 1 ; hey i got a boyfriend named donald

girl2 you should dump him his not the right guy for you

ok plus i just meeted him
by mary123456789tormey September 3, 2012
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A group of chavs, or one chav.
Anyone -Basically everyone- : Look at them Donalds, better peg it before they start on us for no reason like they always do.
by ClownPuke September 11, 2007
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donald is donald
by gay2001 November 22, 2018
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