December 12, 2012 is NOT the date of the apocalypse. Many other dates were set as the end-day, but time still went on after that.

This is the date that the ancient Mayan Calendar says that this era of time will end. According to the Mayan, the human race will "change." Some have speculated that it will be a change in our politics, culture, climate of the world, or even evolution. Others believe nothing will actually happen on this date.
Person 1: OMG!!! The world's gonna end in December 12, 2012!!!

Person 2: No it won't!!!
by crazyhead June 4, 2009
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The day I hang out with my sisters friends
December 12 2021 is gonna be a good day for me, I wont be lonely anymore for a few hours
by CoolBoy5201 December 10, 2021
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Celebrated on December 12 when you drop a spoon and can’t find it when trying to make fucking cereal and cake on FaceTime
You- (drops spoon)
Friend- yo! It’s december 12 national lose a spoon day Did you lose your spoon?
You- yea... and I can’t find it damn it
by Panicathemcr1 December 15, 2019
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Discord Bro day, you must find atleast 3 bro's and dm chat with them for some time.
i still can't find an bro to chat for 12 december im gonna get doomed.
by AyLazYaH December 10, 2020
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Today’s 12 December is the chance for all charbel to date someone and flirt with anyone take that chance boys
Yoo today’s 12 December we can flirt with anyone
by icee🥶🔥 December 12, 2020
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