When a person writes Democratic Republic is the Congo it means they want to fuck you
Friend 1: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Friend 2: You gay bro?
by _whiteboyal_ June 15, 2019
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Chill spot to hangout and best ledges to skate in Saratoga Springs, NY. Definitely the #1 spot to fuck around with tourists and crash a wedding bc mfs be having those shits there every damn weekend. Also houses an UNGODLY amount of ducks holy shit.
Yo wanna skate Congress Park (Congo)?
by _._._:) June 12, 2022
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a highly endangered badger-like mammal with brown fur that can doggy-paddle and eats only celery
You are as cute as a Congo Sea Bradler!
by Bernhard February 2, 2008
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Wrapping the shaft of one's penis over one's wrist, creating the illusion that one is wearing a flesh colored wrist watch. The goal is to get someone to stare in confusion until they realize they are staring at your schlong.
Hey, do you know what time it is? Sure let me just take a look at my congo wrist watch.
by T Biz Rockahara August 5, 2011
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When a person writes Democratic Republic is the Congo it means they want to fuck you
Friend1: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Friend 2: You gay bro?
by _whiteboyal_ June 15, 2019
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A writhing mass of old people preforming an orgy in a dark, swampy room while drenched in corn syrup. Additionally, the jingle that corresponds to the Little Ceasars television advertisement featuring a mariachi band plays on a loop. The combination of disorientation, dementia, and asphyxiation results in many deaths among the participants.
by Colesabitch April 8, 2014
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Smoking the Cum Pipe, while being anally raped in the ass.
When Collin is back in Depew, he and his Uncles do the Congo.
by Collin March 28, 2003
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