Brock Is a generous guy with long red hair and is kind and quiet but around the right people super hype and you can't live him down. Also is a really fast runner and IS SO FREAKING HOTTTTTTTTT. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€โค
Brock is pretty hype.
by #real name October 18, 2019
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to pretend you know what people are talking about, when in fact you have no idea and are just trying to act cool.
Yohan- Man i loved having Mr. Lewis for a history teacher in middle school.

Brock- Yeah i know he was pretty cool.

Yohan- Wait, you didn't go to middle school with me.

Brock- Oh, thats right.

Yohan- Dude, you just brocked again, wtf!
by Jordan Dobbs March 6, 2008
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In professional wrestling slang it means to mess up a very important move,usually the finish,in a match.

Refers to Wrestlemania XIX,where in the main event Brock Lesnar missed a Shooting Star Press on Kurt Angle and gave himself a concussion.
"What was that?!?"

"He brock'd it!"
by Bobeddy August 19, 2006
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Brock is a kind, cute, funny, intelligent, athletic, and easy going guy who is always up for an adventure and one who you can talk to about anything. All the ladies love him and everyone wants to be his friend because he automatically puts people in a better mood. He is a solid eleven out of ten.
Man I just wish I could butter Brock's buns
Damn Brock looked hotter than a jalapeno popper!

Brock is a buff, brisk, beastly, beautiful human.
by Lydia Chlamydia November 17, 2017
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Brocks are dangerous creatures stay away from them, there favourite attack is the camping stink bomb thrower
The Brock farted and josh smelt it
by ccxz September 12, 2019
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one who excells in the art of 'Creeping'

The young girl (whom we will call Jen) was extremely frightened by the tall creep, Brock and that is why she wanted nothing to do with him.
by The Creeper Police March 30, 2009
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Verb: To look at something with your eyes slightly ajar. It is sometimes hard to tell if their eyes are open.

Adjective: To describe someone that walks around with their eyes slightly ajar.
Ex.James tried to show me his penis, so I brocked it.

Ex.I saw that girl walk by and she was so ugly I had to look at her in a brock-like fashion.
by AlmightyMoonDuhKudo September 12, 2009
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