1. High Stakes bingo 2. One of the greatest, unheard of, and underated country songs.ITs by James McMurtry. More of a story about a family reunion out west the meth-amphetamine industry, and incestry.
Me- Lets listen to choctaw bingo
Rob- Iv never heard of that song
by Cowboy939 March 11, 2009
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an office game for yuppies and geeks

1. go to an office meeting

2. write down every newspeak term or off-the-cuff phrase

3. when you have five new ones, or five old ones from the official list ( you should have a keeper of the list), mumble "bingo" just loud enough for the people next to you to hear
Collect phrases like :

"moving forward" (in the future)

"Growing the business"

"mental bandwidth"


"develop a plan around"

"Scrubbing" (as in checking over a list)

"partner with" (in reference to another work group)


Then for each meeting make a mark next to each one you hear, and write down the potential new ones. Five marks is a bingo!

(overheard coming out of a meeting) "Hey, I won management bingo today!"
by P Taylor February 18, 2008
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Bingo arms contain a mass of flabbage near the armpit. When jarred or jostled, the fat tends to move back and forth in the opposite direction. The excitement of winning BINGO at senior's night will prompt an increase of noticeability of these babies.
"BINGO!!!!" *old lady flaps the fat on her bingo arms around*
by lovelyrita(metermaid) June 29, 2011
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The uncontrollable urge to yell profanities at the caller during a Bingo game, especially if you're not winning.
Caller: O 69

Nancy: WHORE! I don't need 0 69! Stupid motherfuckingcocklickinwhorebot!

Karen: Nancy's got Bingo Tourettes again.
by The Canajun June 29, 2010
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A modern dog that has been technologically advanced over the course of 5,000 years, causing it to have legs that are literally hover pads.
I had a dog named bingo, but then i traveled to the future where they had hover cars and hover bingos.
by TheBingoMaster June 20, 2013
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Another word for the anus , brown star , dirt star or ballon knot . The brown star represents the center of a bingo card!
Friend , Why is your girlfriend walking funny? Me , ohh she was walking up the stairs and I rammed my finger in her “bingo hole “ !
by George1980 September 27, 2022
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Cow bingo is a game played by rednecks and farmers. They mark the ground to divide it up into bingo-like squares. Then let cows roam around the area, when a cow drops a "cow patty" (ie: takes a shit) the person who owns the square it lands on wins a prize (not the cow patty :O).
Announcer: It's been a hot day in the South for Cow Bingo today!
Announcer: Looks like Betsy just planted a cow patty on A4.
Cletus: Yee-Haw!!! That's ours! We's eating good tonight Claudine!!!
by Farmer Runoft November 2, 2012
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