1. verb: A universal verb used to describe anything epic.

2. noun: Replacemnt word of common nouns if they are more than just that common item. You see an epic house? You ment you saw a bob*.

Also used as a name. People with the name bob are usually truely epic and will blow you mind in all kind of ways.
1. verb: "You don't have to bob me"
2. noun: "I was looking at that bob for ages yesterday"
by Brucewayne420 January 4, 2022
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Simon: "Hey look, its Bob!"
Brenda: "Wait, who would willingly name their baby Bob?"
Bob Jr: "Bob."
by 8Bit_Cat May 17, 2023
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The sexiest man alive. He makes a woman climax in 1 pump.
He is a bob
by gzkurdgflzd May 15, 2018
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by Bob cruise November 19, 2019
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Nice, but usually a fat guy.
Look at that fat dude over there, his name is definitely bob.
by nielsfage September 3, 2018
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