the literaly definition of white trash is malachi
i.e.: if you search white trash in the urban dictionary, malachi is what shows up.
by jaycoco June 18, 2022
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A racist name created by the rich slave owners. They blame the "white trash" for being racist but in reality they are racist.
It is also a form of white supremacy. It states that if you are white can't do better than people of color, you are trash.
The rich slave owners are the real white trash.
by Goguardian hater January 9, 2022
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That girl Daysha used her Snapchat pictures as engagement photos. The lucky guy is the meth head of town. They fell in love when they beat up her grandma for a gram. They are so white trash.
by AlibabaQueen23 November 21, 2020
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Anybody, that is classless with narrow dogmatic mind who is rude to everybody. Could be rich or poor, it is a character: vulgar vocabulary, tasteless dressing, not changing his manners no matter what. Some people are gold, who still shines in dirty mud, and some people are donkey no matter if you put on a golden saddle.
Anna delvey is a white trash, who frauded fake phony people in Manhatten, and they love her for that.
by Gigi buffon October 21, 2023
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Laura. Laura with the green crocks.
Laura yelled at Kat and all of her pals whilst wearing glowing green crocks! Laura is white trash!
by Palsswag101 September 22, 2019
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