An adjective to describe a person, ideology, or expression, that had its view built upon or influenced by, the anti-White, anti-truth, anti-male, anti-natalist, anti-tradition, anti-conservative, anti-heterosexual, anti-Western, anti-Christian, racist & sexist grievance factories of critical race theory & marxist intersectional theory.

A woke person is a person who believes Whites (men, cisgendered people & heterosexuals) need to give up their spaces, rights & self-interest, that all other groups are allowed to pursue & retain, in order to fulfil a moral imperative to 'equalise' society (specifically Western & White societies), & make up for real & imagined past & contemporary 'privilege' & 'wrongs' people of their same race, gender, & sexual orientation are presumed to have inflicted on others, even if in doing so, the results may be inequitable, irrational, obtuse to the stated aim, unfair, deleterious, genocidal, unbalanced or otherwise damaging to any party, society or the whole.

A woke person uses an artificial socially constructed leftist totem pole of worthy victims, and evil oppressors, to determine right & wrong in a situation, & differentiate 'moral' & 'immoral' policies, without any over-riding sense of balance, proportionality, impartiality or universality.
The latest Marvel movie is an exercise in woke morality. Storylines, genders and races have been chosen, not with respect to storytelling, quality or need, but to fit a presentation and approach that conforms to the dictates of critical race and intersectional theory.
by LGHWA August 3, 2022
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The belief that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.
This is the definition of "woke" as provided in court by Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis's legal team. Would you have voted for Trump if you disagreed?
by Nickel Pickler March 30, 2023
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The latest Conservative buzzword for people who don't toe the Conservative line. First they called anyone who disagreed with them a communist. Then they called us socialists. Then it was virtue signalling. Then it was cancel culture. Now they've gone for 'woke'. It all means the same thing, which is "while I pretend to uphold freedom of speech I am going to apply this convenient buzz word to silence yours because it threatens my privilege".
Conservative: *Attacks a minority*
Progressive: "Stop being an arsehoke toward these people"
Conservative: "Woke bla bla bla... Something about virtue signalling and snowflake"
by Personwithaconscience January 5, 2022
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"Woke" describes anyone who understands the following...
If a white person participates in a different culture, that's called cultural appropriation.
If a white person doesn't participate in a different culture, that's called non-inclusive.
If a white person moves into a neighborhood populated by minorities, that's called gentrification.
If a white person moves out of a neighborhood populated by minorities, it's called white flight.
If a white person pays attention to skin color, that's called racism.
If a white person doesn't pay attention to skin color, that's called ignoring racism.

Basically "woke" means understanding white people can't do anything good simply because they were born with white skin.
Yo, I'm woke enough to see that cracker ain't nothing. Black pride!

Y'all need to get woke! That white lady be sellin' pot stickers. That's cultural appropriation! we need to shut her business down!
by lifestudent101 November 26, 2020
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Awareness or deep understanding of a topic, issue, or concern. A clarity of causations.
Some people are woke when it comes to racism, yet they do little to become a true ally.
by Okisee March 28, 2021
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a Dumbass who thinks everything is racist / offensive but in reality they are just an asshole looking for attention
"Them woke bastards need to stop."
by SWADDS065 January 26, 2023
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red-pill for blue-pilled people
Fuck straws they're bad for turtles, I wish more people were woke to these issues like me.
by hahapoopie4323 December 29, 2020
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