A saying used to tell a client good shot when shooting redfish and missed.
Damn boss I like the hustle
by Dink killer August 23, 2020
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The act of an ice-cream vendor hearing from the corporate masters the worst possible way to try and get you to buy into their new flavour of ice-cream. By insulting the opposition with baseless insults and rhetoric that would make members of 4chan shake their heads.
"I am always #nevertrump, it's the only way!"
"well, he's a racist sexist, xenophobe who hates women!"
"Where did he ever show that?"
"Oh my god! You Sexist asshole, you are so going to be put on Gawker for this!"
"Gawker doesn't exist anymore..."
"You know, I think This Tastes Like Hillary right now."
by lightningbarer October 1, 2016
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A person who will appear as a nice guy in the comments in hopes of getting gratification and attention, usually from someone of the opposite sex.

This will involve appearing wholesome and liking and commenting on all their social media, usually with some form of cringe syntax and worship.
Oh dear, Jasper just Simp-Liked the profile picture of every girl he knows.
by Uwuuwuwu April 18, 2020
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another way of telling someone " (...) whether you like it or not (...)".
like it or lump it, IMHO the Italian Mafia should replace, in Quebec, the corrupt bureaucrats who let spiel of the conscruption industry keep unfolding
by Sexydimma June 7, 2014
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another way of telling someone "whether you like it or not".
like it or lump it, IMHO the Italian Mafia should replace, at least in Quebec, the corrupt bureaucrats who let the conscruption industry spiel keep unfolding
by Sexydimma February 11, 2014
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