A fake media company used by the youth to trick their parents into thinking they are employed
Kid: Mom, I work at skypan media
Mom: that's amazing, you must have lots of listeners
4 years later,
Kid: I still don't have a single listener, damn
by James Gunn- "CEO" skypan media December 15, 2012
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The use of components other than alcohol to create a blend and fusion of work that can be seen as artistic. Alternative Media Mixology is specifically that Art of high-end card making using a range of colours, textures and smells which appeal to the senses in new and unique ways.
Notelli.com does some great work, it's like alternative media mixology
by Notelli November 1, 2011
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Individuals who create their own media channelsntonget out their message
by Spiroc0724 September 27, 2020
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Tablet in one hand surfing Facebook while having your phone in the other on Instagram.
Look at Johnny Depp in the grips of a social media addiction, He is now to be called Edward Social Media Hands
by KevinHughes21 August 9, 2017
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All the b.s. characteristics (b.s because the said characteristics are overwhelmingly false by like 99.5%) that the media invents about you and diagnoses you with
Aoc just received a negative media diagnosis on fox news.
by Sexydimma July 22, 2022
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Every little negative and insulting thing, adjective or concept (sexist, racist, misogynistic, fascist etc) that the liberal left wing media uses to diagnose white conservatives/ non white conservatives/Jewish conservatives/other celebrities the media doesn't like
Even if I haven't per se received my media diagnosis since I don't have enough clout in us conservative media circles, I can still proudly say, fuck my media diagnosis, even a future one, and hold my head high on my own as a white Jewish conservative.
by Sexydimma August 7, 2022
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All the fake biographical details the media invents about you as a celebrity
Don't trust your media diagnosis especially if it concerns your mental health.
by Sexydimma August 21, 2022
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