in the NHL, a type of (intentional?) boarding -at an angle of course-the point of which is (supposedly?) to (intentionally injure?) the player of the opposing team.

N.B: this definition, with no offense meant for Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins or anyone else on The Boston Bruins organization, is named after Zdeno Chara's now infamous (among Montreal Canadiens fans) hit on Max Pacioretty in the 2010-2011 NHL season.
NHL fan forum post: Shame on you, dear Mr Gary Bettman (the current NHL Commissioner) for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit on Max Pacioretty.

reply to post: you idiot, asking yourself the question of whether or not Zdeno Chara intentionally injured Max Pacioretty is meaningless. Therefore stop attacking Gary Bettman as a person by shaming him.

However, whether intentional or not, a z-chara board hit IMHO is supposed to be banned in the NHL; an NHL game is not a Roman gladiator spectacle where injuring, and killing, one's opponents was not only tolerated, but even encouraged. We have taken the Latin concept of panem et circenses (bread and circuses in vox populi) far enough.
by Sexydimma February 10, 2013
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(N.B: this definition, with no offense meant to Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins or anyone else on The Boston Bruins organization, is named after Zdeno Chara's now infamous (among Montreal Canadiens fans at least) hit on Max Pacioretty during the 2010-2011 NHL season).

in the NHL, a type of (intentional?) boarding -at an angle of course-the point of which is to (intentionally?) injure the player of the opposing team.
NHL fan forum post: Shame on you, dear Mr Gary Bettman for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit on Max Pacioretty.

reply to post: asking yourself the question of whether or not Zdeno Chara intentionally injured Max Pacioretty is objectively meaningless. Whether intentional or not, a z-chara board hit, IMHO, is supposed to be banned in the NHL; an NHL game is not some kind of modern Roman gladiator spectacle where injuring, maiming, and even sometimes killing, one's opponents was not only tolerated, but encouraged. We have taken the Latin concept of panem et circenses far enough a.i.
by Sexydimma January 26, 2014
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(N.B: this definition, with no offense meant to Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins or anyone else on The Boston Bruins organization, is named after Zdeno Chara's now infamous (among Montreal Canadiens fans at least) hit on Max Pacioretty during the 2010-2011 NHL season).

in the NHL, a type of boarding hit-at an angle of course-the point of which is to injure a player of the opposing team.
NHL fan forum post: Shame on you, dear Mr Gary Bettman for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit on Max Pacioretty.

reply to post: asking yourself the question of whether or not Zdeno Chara intentionally injured Max Pacioretty is meaningless. Whether intentional or not, a z-chara board hit, IMHO, is supposed to be banned in the NHL; an NHL game is not some kind of modern Roman gladiator spectacle where injuring, maiming, and even sometimes killing, one's opponents was permitted.
by Sexydimma May 1, 2014
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(N.B: this definition, with no offense meant to Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins or anyone else on The Boston Bruins organization, is named after Zdeno Chara's now infamous (among Montreal Canadiens fans at least) hit on Max Pacioretty during the 2010-2011 NHL season).

in the NHL, a type of (intentional?) boarding the point of which is to (intentionally?) injure the player of the opposing team.
Shame on you dear Mr Gary Bettman for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit on Max Pacioretty. The NHL is not a roman gladiator arena.
by Sexydimma July 24, 2014
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(N.B: this definition is named after Zdeno Chara of The Boston Bruins and his infamous hit on Max Pacioretty during the 2010-2011 NHL season).

in the NHL, a type of (intentional?) boarding the point of which is to (intentionally?) injure the player of the opposing team.
Shame on you dear Mr Gary Bettman for not having suspended Zdeno Chara for more games after his infamous z-chara board hit ; the NHL is not a roman gladiator arena.
by Sexydimma February 6, 2017
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The Salvatore boarding school is a supernatural school for all supernatural's so they can live and work in peace. The Salvatore boarding school was founded by Caroline forbes and Alaric Saltzman at the old Salvatore boarding house it was donated for this cause by Damon Salvatore in memory of Stefan Salvatore
Mya wants to go the the Salvatore boarding school
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A Boomer Board is a board used by the good old "back in my day" generation. The Boomer Board is used to Show off ones piece of shit underwhellming and unimpresive Car and or other motor vehicle such as a motorcycle or boat. The board normally includes useless facts such as the paint code or total number of other v6 piece of shit garbage cars with the same spec package.
One owner Nick name: My wifes tits Make:Bad Model: Ass
Holy shit thats a boomer board if ive ever seen one!
by DownAstronomical June 27, 2023
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