A boof ass school full of hoes, potheads, trannies, and pedophiles.
Bob: Yoo remember Mr. Mecher from summit hill Junior High bro
Mike: yeah dude he was funny as hell
Bob: Yeah bro he groomed some girl and got sent to jail
mike: nigga what
by Big Diggas Nick December 20, 2022
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When a junior is the senior slut in every situation
Look at how that junior is the senior slut out of us all, theyre a real junior senior slut
by Thedude $_76 October 3, 2019
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On December 10th you have to makeout with someone named jr or junior for 10 seconds
Lip to lip contact with someone named junior for 10 or more seconds. That’s how you correctly kiss a junior.
by 3ergstju October 4, 2021
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Kentucky Junior is another name for Ohio. It is based on new demographics in Ohio and their voting record in the last election.
Him: Did you hear that Ohio is losing its battleground state status?
Me: Where did you hear this?
Him: I saw it on the front page of the newspaper and in a magazine. Our demographics now are lining up with Kentucky - KENTUCKY!
Me: So I guess that makes us Kentucky Junior?
Him: We really have to move!
by Siouxsie Supertramp December 7, 2020
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