!an awesome guy which you will really like I promise
by maboi69 October 9, 2020
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Bi-ron- 1)to stalk a female for weeks before asking them out so you can pretend to have common interest.
2) to have a micro penis.
1)That chick is hot. I might go pull a Bi-ron so I can trick her into letting me take her out.
2) God sure showed me who's the boss by giving me this Bi-ron.
by Bag Boss October 19, 2022
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The holiday contrasting the Jewish High Holy Day, Yom Kippur, where you instead indulge in a multitude of sinful activities, unbothered by the religious consequences of those actions.
“Im really glad I spent today celebrating Ron Chipper

“Dude are you hammered? Do you mean Yom Kippur? Aren’t you supposed to fast and repent?”

“No that’s a different holiday. I recognize Ron Chipper, instead.”
by SPORTSBRO October 10, 2022
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The best match ever.they fit together like glove to a hand. Anna loves Ron more then he could imagin,she is amazing,so pretty and funny,and still,she only see him,Ron. Ron is softest person you’ll meet. He is intresting.
They can’t live without each other.
Person 1:”Anna is so beautiful!”
Person2”she is ron’s. Don’t think about that!”
Person 1:” I know, Anna and Ron are soooo damn good together “
by Lolllllllll83 May 11, 2018
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The perfect lovers. They amazing together.
Person 1: Anna and Ron soooo perfect!”
Person 2:”I know,right?”
by Lolllllllll83 May 11, 2018
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Eh Eh Ron is a cool new spelling for the name Aaron! And makes you think of video of the teacher that cant say any of students names right and gives them shit when they correct him.

And most people cool enough to actually spell they’re name this way have huge cocks.
Eh Eh Ron is so cool..
Omg I sucked Eh Eh Ron’s huge cock last night...
Have you seen Eh Eh Ron?

He is so hot
by Blue Lily Porn June 13, 2018
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