when you tell someone who’s always late the wrong meeting time so they actually get there on time
like if soundcheck is at 4, you’d tell them that it was actually at 3 so they wouldnt miss it
rod: soundchecks at 3
daisy: hey i know about daisy standard time!
by morefuntomiss March 25, 2023
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Another word for a group of pubes with pubic lice in
Omg did you see that girls daisy parks
by siolydiy December 6, 2018
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It’s when you get circumcised and keep the foreskin in a jar, then when you’re 21 and have your first legal drink you staple it back on to the tipski
I want my foreskin back so ima pull a whoopsi daisy, said no one ever since foreskin is gross.
by TicklerOnTheRoof January 22, 2022
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yo sup mamas i'm big d turnbull and I run the streets of pipers creek. Dont ark up to me or big d will come bash ya.
Person 1 : yo whos the fittest babe of them all?
Daisy turnbull: sup fam, did I hear my name?
by daisyturnbull July 14, 2023
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When you are looking for something, AND, are most CERTAIN where to locate it, BUT it is CERTAINLY not there to be found.
I'll get that, let's see here, oh, oh no. Looksie daisy!
by JJ. Styles November 24, 2022
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an annoying sket who hasn’t showered since before 9/11
ew what’s that smell!”

“its just daisy may
by elliejellie91 September 8, 2023
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an annoying sket who hasn’t showered since before 9/11
ew what’s that smell!”

“its just daisy may
by elliejellie91 September 8, 2023
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