To lead another along a path until they become so resistant such that they question your motives, at which point you take 'em by the reins and kick 'em in the side, and then, if they are still resistant, you take 'em out back and shoot 'em in the head such that god only knows what in the hell it takes to persuade them of the most motherfucking obvious truth ever.
To force by the tooth: Lucy just will not admit to anyone or anything that she has lost the game of Uno she was playing. If only we could force her by the tooth. I don't think even God knows how to do that with her, she's just that stubborn. She plays to win, after all. Well, there can be only one winner, in the game of Uno.
by mjc18c December 28, 2017
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secret code that pediatric dentists use to explain to frightened children how their tooth feels after an injection of local anesthesia
It's ok little Johnny, don't worry that it feels weird. I gave you a sleepy tooth!
by tridd August 8, 2015
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A: man your face looks messed up
B: ive been smoking that sleepy tooth
by sleepy tooth April 16, 2011
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A smelly tooth that is dead and often discolored and always smells like poo.
"Dad, did you brush your teeth today?"

"Yes, that's just my poo tooth."
by Poolaksandz July 14, 2021
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Tooth tank is when your eating your girl out and lose a tooth
Yea Amanda a tooth tank now. How? Well I was going ham on that shit and lost a tooth! Ahh make sense
by W_p_j May 18, 2021
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When a older man is orally pleasuring a women, “eating her out” accidentally catches her clit with how saw tooth.
Billy was eating out juicy J, then all of a sudden she yelled call Val Bott and said you caught me with your saw tooth
by Pablosuschabsv January 28, 2021
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The man with the biggest penis in the world who is also incredibly sexy
I just want to kiss that man so badly, he’s a real tooth cruncher.
by Mudsub December 6, 2021
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