To peach is Texas slang people use for someone the favor or adore

Usually most used in Austin And Houston
“To peach Oli
by Lexistex February 15, 2019
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peaches, aka lovely peaches , lovelypeaches4ever2001, brittany johnson and many more. she is known on instagram for being an abusive teen mother of cora who over shares and has multiple STDs. she’s an aspiring musician with hit songs like “burnin and itchin” and “peach form”. she has an obsession with charmed and is constantly homeless. she is also known for being so stinky that you can literally smell her through the screen. she takes a bath twice every 4 months and literally never washes her cooch. she tends to get her instagram taken down a lot for posting pictures of herself pretty much naked OR posting pictures of her diarrhea. this 18 year old has a one year old baby girl named cora. cora and peaches have a love-hate relationship and cora also has a 20 year old boyfriend. it’s a whole wacky family.
friend 1: yo did u see what wacky shit peaches posted on her story?
friend 2: oh damn lemme check
by goryuwu February 11, 2019
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A Plant that makes you high
slang term used so you can talk about weed around your parents
yo bobby you want to get some peaches while we go out
by the dude is here August 15, 2005
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stoned, high on marijuana
(eyes get a peachy color)
by Bpopes November 30, 2009
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Really good or really nice - especially used about objects, often preceeded by the word pure
That game was a pure peach
by Cheesecake January 10, 2005
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To cup (not grab, cup) someones buttocks and yell, "Peaches!" If you successfully 'peach' the person, you yell "Got 'em!" If you slap someone instead of simply peaching, it does not count as a peach and therefore you did not complete the process of 'peaching'.
Dude, Jennifer was totally peaching all the guys at your party last week.
by bailey1244559964 August 13, 2012
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The act of being defeated, pummeled, downright destroyed, or having your world rocked by a force greater than you.
Hey, I just saw you kill that guy at basketball. Man, he got PEACHED!

Dude, you just got PEACHED at scrabble.
by Jigglypuff94 July 26, 2008
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