A socially awkward, outcast loser. A "Dunk" was a complete loser growing up and has tried to make a transition into "the cool group." A dunk might say a line like "Wow me and Hudson got sooo wasted last night!"-- really everyone knows they had three beers.
"Kian is a dunk"
"Nice boner you DUNK!"
by Poopybum February 26, 2008
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To fornicate with, without regard for emotional attachment.
"dude i dunked that hottie from myspace"
by Zazz June 13, 2006
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ass so wide you can see it from the front
by Will April 14, 2005
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Being dunked on is a series of events in which someone is utterly obliterated, often in a sexual manner. Being dunked on is not a desirable thing. Those whom are dunked upon often never mentally recover.
Man: Holy shit babe why are you being so aggressive??

by gravybaby420 August 22, 2020
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