
sow one's wild oats, to have a youthful fling at reckless and indiscreet behavior, esp. to be promiscuous before marriage.

He's a guy who sows wild oats.
by jimhern January 21, 2011
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To lead a promiscuous and self-indulgent lifestyle. Less stylistically, to nail lots of women before you settle down.
Before Frank got married, he spent two years travelling the country sowing his oats. You should sow your oats before you get too old.
by SimpleMindedTed June 10, 2008
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When a person engages in activities (sex, drugs or untypical behavior) frequently as if to try new things to gain experience. With sex it would be without an attachment (serious relationship) with the partners. Tends to mean prior to when a person settles down to a more conventional or platonic lifestyle.
Wayne was out "sowing his oats" all weekend at the boardwalk. Hopefully he will get it out of his system sooner than later.
by Write Mateo! January 24, 2011
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Your wife or significant other who after having children or just plain flat out let her self go resembles a Large Swine of the female variety. Typically evidenced by the visible presense of blubber rolls. Also often can be seen laying on her side on the couch with a bag of potatoe chips watching Television rather than exercising.
Damn bitch after dem kids were born and you let yourself go, you sure are a BIG 'OLE SOW
by edentulous artist April 17, 2009
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The act of deliberately ejaculating upon a woman's unkept bush.
The man suffering from premature ejaculation immediately sowed her field when his pants were removed.
by CHEEDSICLE November 4, 2014
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To get a series of women pregnant over a short space of time.
Kevin - "Did you hear? I got 3 women pregnant last month?"
Bob - "Jeez. You were really sowing your oats"
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Attacks of Mad Sow Disease occur when you are running late for work and are the second car thats been asked to pull forward at the drive through winnow and when your food is brought out the fat sow in front of you refuses to pull up so you can leave because her fat loser 30-something boyfreind wearing a Pokemon t-shirt has gone inside to use the can and she is afraid he won't find her if she moves 20 feet.
I had an attack of mad sow disease at Mickey d's today, this fat sow boxed me in and I was late for work.
by Guy O March 3, 2011
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