The scale used in the Louise Rennison series staring Georgia Nicolson. Its used so that parents cannot understand what their child (usually a teenage girl) is telling their freinds about their resent date with that hottie.

The Snogging Scale:

1/2. Sticky Eyes
1. Holding Hands
2. Arm Round
3. Goodnight Kiss
4. Kiss Lasing Over 3 Minutes, Without a Break
4 & 1/2. Hand Snogging
5. Open Mouth Kissing
6. Tongues
6 & 1/2. Ear Snogging
6 & 3/4. Neck Nuzzling
7. Upper Body Fondling - Outdoors
8. Upper Body Fondling - Indoors (In Bed)
9. BWA - Below Waist Activity
10. The Full Monty
1. " So how did your date go last night?"

(Sat In Living Room With Parents Evedropping So She Uses The Snogging Scale)" It was double cool with knobs. He was sooo cool we did number 5 with a touch of 6!"


2. (Extract from the book)

"Me and Jas were sat painting our nails on the couch when the newsreader said "And tonight the priminister has reached number 10." And we had a laughing spaz to end all laughing spazes."
by xXx Slut xXx August 19, 2008
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Aqua snogging can be described as snogging under water. it appears in many movies such as romeo and juliet.

coined in Dawson/Kelly humanities 2003
kindergardener 1: ewww look at that, romeo is aqua snogging the underdeveloped juliet!
kindergardener 2: why dont you ever snog me like that?! im gonna go off and aqua snog my new boyfriend, he supports me, he as a cookie, he's gonna make me comfortably well off!
kindergardener 1: slut!
by my house is falling apart! March 16, 2005
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When you have a very strong desire or urge to snog someone because you haven't done so in a while.
I haven't snogged anyone in ages, I may have snogging withdrawal because my lips are puckering on there own. I may have forgotten how to snog!
by britchik92 November 28, 2010
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a scale used to define where you are dating wise
5 sticky eyes (Be careful using this. I’ve still got some complete twit following me around like a seeing-eye dog.)
1 holding hands
2 arm around
3 goodnight kiss
4 kiss lasting over three minutes without a breath (What you need for this is a sad mate who’s got a watch but no boyfriend.)
4.5 hand snogging (I really don’t want to go into this. Ask Jas.)
5 open mouth kissing
6 tongues
6.5 ear snogging
6.75 neck nuzzling
7 upper body fondling – outdoors
8 upper body fondling – indoors (in bed)
Virtual number 8 (When your upper body is not actually being fondled in reality, but you know that it is in your snoggees head.)
9 below waist activity (or bwa) (Apparently this can include flashing your pants. Don’t blame me. Ask Jules.)
10 the full monty (Jas and I were in the room when Dad was watching the news and the newscaster said, “Tonight the Prime Minister has reached Number 10.” And Jas and I had a laughing spaz to end all laughing spazzes.)
i got to number 8 on the snog scale with mark last night!!
by Eza December 10, 2007
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Snogging a guy who is really ugly and pig like.
Charlotte: That guy Moon wants me
Laura: OH, hog snog!
by Laura-Loralie February 5, 2009
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A term found in the Georgia Nicolson series. The act of slightly sucking and nipping a persons ear lobe. Very enjoyable and recommendable. If done incorrectly, it is a massive turnoff.
"Yeah the making out wasn't doing much for her, so I ear snogged her."
"Oh dude I love ear snogging."
"Yeah so did she."
by padfoot011 December 4, 2008
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This is the snog scale, there is a georgia nicholson version, but the one at our school is slightly different
0.5 Hug
1 Holding hands
2 Arm Around
2.5 Footsie
3 Goodnight kiss
4 Kiss lasting 3 mines without a breath
4.5 Hand snogging
5 Open mouth snogging
6 Snogging with tongues
6.25 lip nibbling
6.5 neck nuzzling
6.75 ear snogging
7 Upper body fondling (outside shirt)
8 Upper body fondling (inside shirt)
8.25 Lower body fondling (outside)
8.5 Lower body fondling (inside, or if wearing skirt)
8.75 Stripping
9 Below waist activity (B.W.A)-- Like third base
10 Full monty
" I got to 8 on the snog scale with Henry yesterday!!"
by Kathryn D March 29, 2008
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