A Monkees song. Micky Dolenz wrote it based on his experience in England. Mentions his then soon to be wife Samantha, the Beatles, etc. Randy Scouse Git translates into "Horny Liverpuedlian Jerk", so Micky chose to call it "Alternative Title" just for its release in England.
She's a wonderful lady and she's mine, all mine. And there doesn't seem a way that she won't come and lose my mind. It's too easy humming songs to a girl in a yellow dress. It's been a long time since the party and the room is in a mess.
by Christine August 23, 2004
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A male Stalker regulary found hiding in the bushes out side 59parkgate road trying to sneek a peek at his loved one. he likes to show people his bleeding crusty ring! lovely! he works at brannigans and regulary performs the YMCA dance with his queer collegue "BABE"! supports the one and only Liverpool FC in his never ending search for glory! has an obsession with abi shitmus!
I saw a german porno the other day and i spied this hairy ring - piece, it was sooooo like the scouse steve - he is warm.
by an individual in society! December 12, 2004
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A Monkees song written by Micky Dolenz about his experiences in Europe. Talks about the Beatles, Samantha Juste, etc. Randy Scouse Git translates to/means “Horny Liverpudlian Putz ” or “The illegitimate child, typically son, of a Liverpool prostitute” so in the UK it was released as Alternate Title.
He is such a Randy Scouse Git!
by ILoveMickyDolenz4-ever May 8, 2022
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The Scouse vindaloo is a term used for when you and the bird come home after a night out. Instead of ordering a curry & tailing the shit out of her, you shit in her face (the curry) smother it around like a face mask and leave it to solidify for 10 to 15 minutes. After that it’s optional what you do with it.
It could be used as a code that nobody understands for example Instead or asking to leave a party early to shag the wife you say

“Oi peng ting, Scouse vindaloo?”
by BuxtonLAD March 19, 2019
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Terry the Scally went out after his curfew wearing his Scouse Rolex.
by Adam Paz March 10, 2020
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A person originating from Liverpool, that by the nature of growing up in said town instills a fear of theft and deception in folks with a more fortunate upbringing.

Prefix: "thieving"
Suffix: "git"
"Did you hear that guy talk? I think he's scouse!"

"Better check your hubcaps! That thieving scouse git probably stole them!"
by chefnikolai April 12, 2021
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that’s scouse that lad
by bush head November 16, 2019
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