He is the definition of a gay lord. He smuggles 19 men in his house at once, and sucks their toe nails until its clean. Overall he's a communist that supports russia's views on how to take care of imepregnated cows and mother indians. FUcking bitch overall i love the shit he puts in my mouth omg, kiss my ass hairs and plunge them out with ur cheek bones!!!

Parker Pratt: Hey dont worry, my cheekbones will do the job!
by Kian Sucka February 19, 2020
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To Pratt Daddy is the action of a male straddling a female. This can be performed on any surface, but preferably a couch, chair, or bed. Stemming from the dance move the "Cat Daddy" popularized in collage parties around the United States, the performer of the Pratt Daddy move can include an action mimicking the rolling of ones own wheelchair. This is done by moving both arms in a circular motion vertical to the ground while in the straddle position. This is most often done in a public location specifically in the presence of other peers in a party scenario.
Scott likes Rachel and they are partying with a few friends in a room at at Frat house. They have had a few drinks and the room is becoming comfortable. Being the flirty person that Scott is he approaches Rachel, who is sitting on the couch. Without second though he straddles her and starts making goofy comments and at this time may even kiss her. If the music influences him or even if he is simply given courage by his intoxication, Scott may begin to dance using the wheel chair simulation move. Either way Scott is performing the Pratt Daddy.
by Jackel Davinceti April 19, 2011
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A phrase that some moron used to define a person. Thereby making it a filler phrase, when you are too stupid to say what you are thinking.
"That guy last night was on total Pratt status!"
by Heather Monroe January 18, 2008
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The Greatest, Coolest, Loveliest, Sexiest, Hottest, Funniest, Kindest and Nicest Actor/ Artist and Celebrity working in Hollywood! He’s such a wholesome person too! He’s the Brightest Light in the Universe. We are so lucky to have him! He’s so pure and loving! I’d be so very grateful to meet him! He’s also a very much an Award Winning Actor he deserves all the praise for as he’s got it all and everything inside him that makes him truly great. He’ll always be a legend too and original! Love you Chris!
Chris Pratt is the Coolest Celebrity Ever!
by StarGirl4 October 4, 2021
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Winston is a piece of shit drug user. He is lazy and does not even love himself.. Let alone anyone else. Chicks beware!
by HatesCrackheads October 6, 2011
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Someone who runs dead ends and thinks he’s a top shotter
Your not a bad man just a Callum Pratt
by Drayts December 5, 2019
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