(noun) most commonly used as butt. if you're feeling classy, instead of ass, say arse.
by Pat June 15, 2004
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The British are such Ars-Holes
by AC August 11, 2003
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she has a arse
by SwagMasterA1 November 19, 2015
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An alternative to 'ass'; often used in places where profanity is not acceptable i.e. work, church, etc.
You are such an arse!!
by Johnesia July 5, 2005
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A stupid fucking way that British Limeys say ass. It is true that this is the original form of what become the American word "ass" but it still sounds stupid and annoys the piss out of most people. Mainly gives the impression of somebody who is afraid to swear.
My mum says not even the queen can make us brush our teeth, if she tried mum would kick her arse!
by The Godmother January 6, 2005
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The way british/australian people say 'ass'.
person1: *in british accent* "oi'm gonna kick yor awrse!"

person2:"I'm going to kick your ass!"
by Some_Girl387 June 1, 2005
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